Citation - Connecticut Gazette-New London: 1782.01.04

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Index Entry Alexander's Feast [t] (Dryden), model for lyric [beg] Twas for the conquest 
Location Philadelphia 
4 Jan 1782:11,12 (19/947)
From the Pennsylvania Packet.
An Humble Imitation of Dryden's Alexander's Feast.
'Twas for the conquest nobly won.
By fair Columbia's much lov'd son;
Aloft in high estate,
The chief exalted sat,
Admir'd by all, by all carest;
Let truth with chearful praise,
His fame for ever raise,
And virtue be with humours blest.
Crown'd with his country's just applause,
Patron of nature's rights, her laws,
Behold ! the chief in freedom's cause.
  Happy, happy, happy state,
  None but the good,
  None but the good,
  None but the good are truly great.
. . . [4 Verses and refrains, both of varying lengths.  No

Generic Title Connecticut Gazette-New London 
Date 1782.01.04 
Publisher Green, Timothy 
City, State New London, CT 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0014507
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